Frank Zinsmeister House 1001 East Spring Street New Albany, IN 47150
Frank Zinsmeister and his wife, Emma, purchased this property in 1911 for $4100. They immediately had the older structure that stood here removed, and had this Colonial Revival style home constructed, along with a carriage house (now converted to a home, 414 E. 10th Street). Brothers Frank and Jacob Zinsmeister formed a partnership in 1881 and opened the wholesale grocery concern of Jacob Zinsmeister & Bro. on State Street. Business flourished and a second store was opened in Louisville. In 1910 the partnership was dissolved; Frank retained the New Albany store while Jacob purchased the Louisville outlet. Frank Zinsmeister died in February 1918 and Emma remained in the house until her death in January 1957. The home has since been converted to a commercial use.