Preservation Trades Expo coming in May
Tuesday April 2, 2019

Interested in learning how to maintain and repair your historic building? Attend the Midwest Preservation Trades Expo, May 10 and 11 in Louisville. The event will feature hands-on demonstrations and informative exhibits on a wide array of preservation-related topics.

Hosted by the Preservation Trades Network, this event will allow property owners to gain exposure to a range of preservation trades, including window restoration, historic masonry, stained glass, tax credits, and much more. Network with preservation tradespeople and other owners of historic buildings, and come away with a better understanding of how to care for your building. 

The Expo will be held Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11, from 9 AM to 4 PM both days. Admission for adults is $25 per day, with free admission for those under age 18. Event will be held at Commonwealth Preservation Trades, 1701 Muhammad Ali Boulevard, Louisville. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.cptrades.org.  Comments

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