Does the NAHPC provide technical assistance?
The NAHPC staff provides to the public guidance and technical assistance about the restoration and rehabilitation of historic buildings. The staff also provides design assistance and information about properties in New Albany’s historic districts.

The staff and commission members can provide:

Early consultation on projects
Design assistance and guidance (note that NAHPC staff cannot prepare your plans or design your project)
Assistance in selecting building materials and locating a contractor
Research assistance on a building's age and architectural style
Assistance and guidance with the preparation of nominations to the National Register of Historic Places for a building, site, or district
Assistance to neighborhoods interested in local historic district or landmark designation

What is a Certificate of Appropriateness?
A Certificate of Appropriateness authorizes the start of any exterior work on a building in a historic district or historic neighborhood, including:

  • Demolition of a structure.
  • Moving of a structure.
  • New construction, including additions to existing structures.
  • Exterior changes affecting the appearance of any building or part of a building visible from the public right of way. The exterior changes include walls, windows, porches, roof, siding, fences, light fixtures, steps, paving and signs as well as additions, reconstruction, alteration, or maintenance involving exterior color changes.

How do I know if I need a Certificate of Appropriateness?
Ask before you proceed with exterior work. Contact the NAHPC Administrator at 812-284-4534. You may also consult the “Historic District Design Guidelines City of New Albany.” Design Guidelines are available by contacting the City Plan Department (3rd floor, City County Building), your neighborhood association, the New Albany-Floyd County Public Library or your district’s representative to the NAHPC.

I've submitted a Certificate Of Appropriateness.  What's the next step?
If you have submitted a Certificate Of Appropriateness, you are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting at which your application is reviewed. NAHPC members review your application and analyze how the project fits within the guidelines. Commission members and applicants may question and clarify.

Any members of the public who are may also comment on the application. After all comments are heard, the Commission votes to approve, to deny, or to approve with conditions.

Once the Preservation Commission has issued the COA, it is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain any other necessary permits.