HistoricNewAlbany.com Marketing Effort Begins
Friday September 22, 2006

The collaboration between preservation partners led to the creation of HistoricNewAlbany.com nearly one year ago. 

The site has been a success due to the work of Indiana Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, Develop New Albany, New Albany Historic Preservation Commission, Halo Applications and many other volunteers. 

A new partnership with the IUS Design Center is helping spur a marketing campaign for the website.  Funds from the recent New Albany Historic Home Tour are helping pay for website postcards and print ads.  Here is a sampling of materials created by the talented people at the IUS Design Center:

Look for the postcards to be distributed at Metro area events and at least one print ad upcoming in the LEO during October.

For information on website hits by month and other data, please click on this link: Website Report

