Preservation Louisville offers workshop on historic paint
Thursday February 26, 2015
This session of Hands on History will explore the methods, techniques and traditional paint colors found on historic buildings. Experts will also be discussing the proper handling and removal of lead paint that is commonly found on historic properties.
Debra Richards, Historic Preservation Specialist with years of experience working as Metro Landmarks Staff, also a professional colorist who has donated her time to provide the schemes for our Save Our Shotgun homes
John Cullen, Professional Engineer, Co-Founder and CEO of LockUpLead will be leading this workshop and will be available to answer any questions you may have.
Join us on Saturday, March 28th from 1-4 PM and find some colorful solutions to your painting problems!
Registration: $30
$25 for Preservation Louisville Members
The Brennan House
Historic Home
631 S. Fifth Street
Louisville, KY 40202
For more information or to register, visit or call 502/540-5146. Comments