Two New Albany listings added to National Register of Historic Places
Monday April 25, 2011

The Hedden’s Grove Historic District includes approximately fifty historic homes dating from the 1920s to the 1950s. The district boundaries encompass the homes along Hedden Park and Hedden Court, as well as five bungalows along Charlestown Road, adjacent to the entrance to Hedden Park. The district qualified for listing as an example of early suburban development in New Albany, and because of its intact collection of a variety of early- to mid-twentieth century architectural styles. The listing will place no restrictions on property owners within the district, but will qualify them for tax credits to help recoup some of the cost of qualified rehabilitation projects. More information about the tax credits is available at

The William Young House, currently home to the Floyd County Historical Society’s Padgett Museum, was built circa 1837 and was home to Mr. Young, a merchant and steamboat captain. Located at 509 West Market Street, it is one of the oldest homes remaining in New Albany, and shows elements of both the Federal and Greek Revival architectural styles. The Historical Society sought to obtain National Register status both for the prestige that it offers and for the grant opportunities that the designation allows. David Barksdale, President of the Floyd County Historical Society commented, "I feel it is quite an honor that the William Young House was nominated and accepted to be listed on the National Register. Along with the Hedden’s Grove district, it shows the quality and quantity of historic structures that New Albany possesses."

The National Register of Historic Places is the official list, administered by the National Park Service, of sites, buildings, structures, districts and objects important to our history. New Albany has six other historic districts listed on the National Register – among them the Mansion Row Historic District, the DePauw Avenue Historic District, and the Downtown Historic District – as well as several individual listings, including the Scribner House and Division Street School.

This project was funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service’s Historic Preservation Fund, administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. The New Albany Historic Preservation Commission was responsible for securing the grant funds and overseeing the project. The nominations were prepared by the Westerly Group, a Madison, Ind. historic preservation consulting firm.

To read the nominations - which include history and architectural descriptions - visit and scroll down to the October 2010 agenda.
